Case Study

Ebony Lewkovitz

Founder of Eden Communications

went from $0 to $200K

Over $100K in revenue in less 
than a year

BMC's transformative approach not only helped me overcome self-doubt but also empowered me to cultivate a success-oriented mindset. Thanks to BMC, my business has grown exponentially in revenue and reputation. I highly recommend BMC to anyone looking to make a significant impact with their entrepreneurial journey—it's truly an investment in your future success.

—Ebony Lewkovitz

Ebony Lewkovitz

What does your company do?

My company, Eden Communications, is a PR agency that specializes in working with early-stage tech companies and founders to help them gain media coverage. We assist these companies in raising their visibility and getting their stories told in the media landscape.

Where were you before BMC?

Before BMC, I was working as a journalist for a decade. My career in journalism included roles at the New York Post and reporting in Washington, DC, covering elections. After leaving journalism, I transitioned into corporate and crisis communications before eventually founding Eden Communications.

How did you find BMC, and what made you decide to work with us?

I discovered BMC after following Michael A. Blunt's teachings online for some time. His insights and teachings resonated with me deeply, and I felt a strong alignment with his approach. I decided to work with BMC because I was at a point in my life where I wanted to transition from a career I didn't enjoy into entrepreneurship, but I was struggling with self-confidence and clarity about how to proceed. BMC's programs, particularly the 21 Days course, provided a transformative experience that helped me unlock self-sabotaging patterns and gain the confidence and clarity I needed to pursue my entrepreneurial journey.

What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?

When I first started with BMC, I realized that I lacked a clear roadmap for my business and personal goals. I needed guidance on how to proceed with my entrepreneurial journey, address self-doubt, and overcome limiting beliefs that were holding me back. Additionally, I needed to cultivate the right mindset for success, especially regarding money, health, and managing emotions. Recognizing these areas for improvement was crucial for setting a solid foundation for my business growth.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?

Before working with BMC, my business was struggling. I had only one client and was barely making enough revenue to cover my expenses. I lacked confidence in myself and doubted whether my business would succeed. However, after implementing the strategies and mindset shifts I learned from BMC, my business experienced significant transformation. Within just ten months, we went from barely scraping by to generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue. We began working with top startups in the country, and new opportunities started flowing in regularly. The change was remarkable, and it's clear that BMC played a pivotal role in our success.

What would you say to someone considering working with BMC?

I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone considering working with BMC to go for it. My own journey with BMC has been transformative, both for my business and for myself personally. The program provides invaluable teachings, frameworks, and a supportive community that can help you unlock your full potential as an entrepreneur. The results speak for themselves - BMC has helped me turn my struggling business into a thriving venture, and I am now happier, more empowered, and more successful than ever before. Investing in BMC is truly an investment in yourself and your future success.

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