Case Study

Brittany Thompson

Founder & CMO at BT Creative

Scaled to $40K in 4 Months

Doubled my income in 4 months

Every penny spent, every moment in group chats, every video watched, and every exercise completed is worth it.

—Brittany Thompson

Brittany thompson

What does your company do?

Absolutely! So, my company is BT Creative Studios, and I am a website design and marketing professional. I've been in this field for the last 15 years or so. We specialize in helping small businesses launch in a scalable and affordable way. Many website designers offer packages that are extensive and amazing, but they may not be suitable for those who are just starting out in business.

My true passion lies in helping people who are new to business, who are still exploring what business is, and whether it will work for them. I want to assist them in launching in a professional, branded, and strong manner that attracts their dream clients. As they grow, we grow with them.

Where were you before BMC?

I didn't understand that money was infinite at that point. I didn't understand that wealth creation didn't have to consume my time and energy at every single moment of its creation.

There were a lot of mindset shifts. I kind of think of it now as where I went from having a blue-collar worker mindset or a corporate worker mindset, where I trade my time for dollars, to a mindset where I trade my ideas, inspirations, and the things I've learned and educated myself on, and then I get dollars back for those things. This shift created a new cycle in my business that has exponentially grown my business, literally 10x.

How did you find BMC, and what made you decide to work with us?

Absolutely! It's kind of a funny story because we met on Fiverr, and I remember it was so fun. When you reached out and asked, "Hey, can you hop on a quick call?" I was like, "Absolutely!" We got on the call, and we just vibed. I thought, "I like this guy. I think I can really work with him."

Initially, I was just hoping you would maintain and manage the website. But as I started to see what you were doing and how things unfolded, I realized I needed to be more connected to you. You started coaching me a little bit during our calls, addressing things I needed.

Then you mentioned this program called Business Mindset Collective. You said, "I really think you would benefit from the community portion of it because you love connection, but you work at home by yourself all the time. You really need other people in your world to bounce ideas off of, get inspiration, or even have a network to bring you new clients." At that point, I had been building my business through word of mouth. So, you brought me into the community, and my business absolutely exploded. It was crazy.

What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?

Everything! Like, I got in there, and I was like, "Oh my gosh, I have so much I need to work on." For me, it was a lot of limiting beliefs. As a woman growing up in the millennial generation, you're constantly told that you have limits. As a mom, you're told that you have limits. Just as a wife in general, I was told I had limits. And I think in the deprogramming section, I actually learned that I could literally, at any point, decide what the limits were based on what I decided.

The difference was that other people placed limitations on me, and I had accepted them as the rules of how things were done and how the game was played. As I got through the deprogramming, I realized, no, the limits are what I decide they are. The limits and boundaries to my world and my life are created and crafted by me, and I get to decide how big or expansive my business grows. It's not about how many clients decide to work with me. It's about how many clients I decide to work with. That was a huge shift for me, going from feeling desperate for each client to feeling like I had laid a really nice, welcoming place for my clients to come. Then, it actually attracted and drew more clients to me naturally. My marketing efforts, word-of-mouth efforts, and sales efforts got so much easier after deprogramming those limiting beliefs because people saw me differently—because I saw myself differently.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?

I had just started to take my business seriously, and my husband was working in a field where he was commission-based. For me, I had taken on the responsibility of our monthly budget and goals. At the time, our monthly budget was right around $5,000, and I thought, "If I can just make $5,000 a month..." That was a stretch goal. I was working 16-18 hour days, literally to get that $5,000 a month. Bills were getting paid, the baby was getting fed, you know, all the things. Reaching that goal felt like a win for me.

But as I went through deprogramming and reprogramming, and started to visualize the life I actually wanted, I realized that $5,000 a month wasn't going to cut it. I had to adjust those goals. It wasn't something I did overnight; I went back to it a few times. I would set a goal like, "Okay, I want to make $7,000 a month," and then I would hit it within a few weeks, and think, "I should aim higher, maybe $10,000."

I started bringing on new clients, not just any clients, but my dream clients—clients that I still work with to this day and absolutely adore. It's like I get to work with the people I love every single day.

Fast forward about a year, and I'm effortlessly breaking $25,000 months at this point. I finally hit my $40,000 month this past February.

What part of the course really resonated with you?

That's the other really interesting thing. When you start the deprogramming section, it's like gutting out your house and renovating it. You're pulling everything out at any given moment, and you're just literally looking at your house and realizing there are no walls. You look around and think to yourself, "What is going to happen now?" It feels empty, but not in a bad way. It's like feeling lighter and ready.

So when I dove into the reality creation portion of things—the manifestation, the reprogramming, the correct mindsets—there was space for me to do that in my mind, spirit, and life. If you’re in the deprogramming phase, and you deprogram those limiting beliefs, then when you go into the reprogramming, everything becomes so much easier, so much more effortless, so much more natural to your business. Sales become conversations rather than just transactions.

You have a conversation with someone at a networking event, and it's not about making a sale; it's about connecting. You find people starting to reach out to you because others are talking about you in rooms that you're not even in, sharing their growth and experiences with you.

What would you say to someone considering working with BMC?

I understand it may feel overwhelming at first, committing to a 12-month program requires both time and financial investment, especially if you're just starting or scaling your business. However, I can assure you that it's the best commitment you can make for yourself and your business. Every penny spent, every moment in group chats, every video watched, and every exercise completed is worth it.

The group coaching calls are particularly valuable. Hearing the ambitious goals of others in the program can be eye-opening and inspiring. It helps you realize that if they can achieve those goals, so can you. The network of entrepreneurs within the program is exceptional. You'll find multi-millionaires offering advice, encouragement, and assistance—a level of support that would typically cost tens of thousands of dollars elsewhere.

The Business Mindset Collective is unique because it's personal and deeply connected to your success as an individual, which directly impacts your business success. Joining this program is an investment in yourself and your future, and I would make that decision a thousand times over for the invaluable network and support it provides.

Brittany's Business Journey and Success Strategies

Brittany shared her business journey, which started with a modest monthly budget of $5,000. She gradually increased her goals and within four months of joining the program, she was able to make $10,000 a month. She also discussed the need for continuous reprogramming and deprogramming in the face of business growth. Brittany then adjusted her business model, bringing her husband on board to manage administrative tasks, enabling her to focus more on creative aspects. She also shared that she was on track to triple her previous year's earnings and was working significantly fewer hours. Michael commended Brittany's success, highlighting her ability to work less while earning more.

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